34-week pregnant: baby development and diet tips
Things are slowing down a little in your belly now. That’s because everything is getting close to being developed! Your baby is around 45 cm long and weighs well over 2 kilos. Read more about this week.
Your baby may have already started to go down into your pelvis, he won’t get completely in place until a few days or even hours before the beginning contractions of childbirth.
Does the baby feel particularly heavy? You may be feeling tension or diffusing pain in your lower abdomen. Totally normal: your pelvic joints are loosening up, pulling on your ligaments. As your baby takes up room in your uterus, you may need to urinate more often.
Although it may be inconvenient, do not restrict your fluid intake to try to not have to use the bathroom so often. Water, about 8 glasses each day, is necessary to keep you hydrated, and for your baby’s bath of amniotic fluid and the extra blood that you are making.
In the last few weeks before the birth you should stay near your doctor or your hospital. You never know when your little darling will suddenly lose patience!
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