How to cope with pregnancy pains and discomfort
How to cope with pregnancy pains and discomfort
As your body changes, pregnancy pains and discomfort can occur, especially in your back, legs and feet. The good news is, there are ways to ease your pregnancy aches and pains. We’ve put together a handy list of coping strategies for you.
- Avoid lifting heavy objects—someone else can take care of this task.
- If you have to pick something up, bend your knees and keep your back straight.
- Try a maternity support pillow for your desk chair or sofa.
- Wear flat, supportive shoes to evenly distribute your weight.
- Consider an antenatal yoga class—you’ll be shown safe, gentle back stretches.
- Get a little light exercise, such as a 30-minute walk each day.
- Get lots of rest too, especially as your due date draws nearer.
- Run a warm bath to soothe aches and help your muscles relax.
- Gently bend, stretch, and rotate your feet to help prevent leg cramps.
- Swollen ankles? Keep hydrated and rest with your feet up.
- If you need pain relief, it’s usually OK to take paracetamol in pregnancy, unless your healthcare provider (HCP) or midwife say not to.
- For pelvic pain, get help from your HCP or midwife—they can refer you to a physiotherapist.
- If you think you could be having contractions, read our Signs of labor checklist.
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