15 weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
15 weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
Though your baby is planted deep inside you, this is the week where everything gets set up for his sense of smell. Read more about this week.
His thorax – his chest, basically - begins to rise and fall. They are irregular movements for the moment. It may be through this mechanism that his olfactory system starts to “smell” your environment, driven by the aromatic molecules in the amniotic fluid. However, your baby won’t really perceive odours for real until the seventh month, when his nervous system is sufficiently mature.
At 15 weeks pregnant, you are in your 17th week of amenorrhea – absence of your menstrual period – which translates as your 15th week of pregnancy. Your baby should be making her appearance in about 24 weeks. You may be feeling wonderful, thrilled to be pregnant and full of energy. Conversely, you might be feeling a bit overwhelmed, like your body is not your own. Both scenarios are totally normal. If the latter is true for you and you are also feeling a bit blue, talk to your doctor about it. She may have some solutions that can help you feel more yourself.
Feeling a bit ‘clogged up’ at 15 weeks pregnant? There are things you can eat to relieve your constipation problems. Constipation is a common problem during pregnancy. To remedy this, it is advisable to drink plenty of water and eat foods rich in fibre, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads and cereals (and the grains themselves!), and dried peas and beans. If the problem persists, try to include a small bowl of bran cereal in your breakfast every day. If you’re still not eliminating as you normally would, talk to your doctor.
At 15 weeks pregnant, moderate physical activity during pregnancy is recommended for healthy women, and may help keep weight gain in check, aid in constipation.
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