
29-week pregnant: baby development and diet tips

29-week pregnant: baby development and diet tips

Pregnancy: Resources for Pregnant Mom
May 17, 2021
2 mins

As you inch your way towards the finish line – you will be giving birth in about ten weeks! – your baby is still growing by leaps and bounds, even opening her eyes wide now. Read more about it.

Your baby takes up more and more space in your belly and may not be able to move as much due to space limitations (good thing there’s a change of habitation due in the not too distant future!). Her eyes can be wide open, and she already has eyelashes! At birth, she will have imperfect vision but will still see well enough to distinguish your face and see objects placed 20-25 cm from her eyes.

Kicks and heartbeats let you know that your child is very much present. He is also, unfortunately, making his presence known by pressing on your lungs and possibly making your feet and hands swell. Perhaps your favourite shoes don’t fit right now or you can hardly get the ring you wanted to wear over your fingertip. Ahh, the joys of water retention. Because there are so many more fluids circulating in your body, it may collect in your hands and legs by the end of the day. Especially true if you’ve been on your feet all day and not had much opportunity to put your feet up. Normally the swelling disappears again overnight. If the swelling remains or increases suddenly, inform your doctor so the possibility of pre-eclampsia can be ruled out.

During your last trimester your calorie needs increase by about 450 from what you ate before you were pregnant.

Moderate physical activity, similar to what you have been doing throughout your pregnancy may need a few tweaks, but healthy women that are pregnant are recommended to stay active during their last trimester.

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