Best way to do tummy time for newborn
Tummy time can start soon after you bring your baby home from the hospital. Just don’t expect too much. At first your newborn will struggle to lift her head even a tiny bit while on her stomach.
The importance of healthy sleep habits for your baby
Did you know? Getting your baby into good sleep habits now can affect her sleep as she grows up.
Why your baby wakes up at night and how to help him settle
Did you know? Waking up during the night doesn’t always mean your baby is hungry.
When will my baby sleep through the night?
When your baby first comes home from the hospital, his irregular sleep patterns can be both challenging and exhausting.
What you need to know about milk protein allergy in babies
Did you know? Milk protein is one of the most common allergens affecting babies during the first six months of life.
Tummy trouble soothing tips
Watching your baby suffer from the symptoms of tummy troubles can be distressing.
Why is my baby crying?
Did you know? Around 25% of healthy babies may cry inconsolably during their first weeks of life. This is often called ‘colic’.
First foods can influence your child’s future tastes
Did you know?
10 ways to introduce variety and texture
Help your six- to eight-month-old grow up to be a healthy eater by offering a wide variety of flavors and textures now.
The dos and don’ts of responsive feeding
The ways you feed your baby are as important as what you feed her. Find out what to watch for, and what to do, when your baby starts eating complementary foods.
The importance of responsive feeding for lifelong health
Did you know? Both pressuring your baby to eat more, or restricting how much she eats, can interfere with her growth.
How to tell if your baby is full? Nine faces of feeding
It may seem like a whole new world now that your little one is starting to eat solid foods.
Activities for your 6-8-month-old
Playing with your baby is not only fun, it also helps him develop skills to build on for an active childhood.
Playtime ideas for your 6-month-old baby
There are plenty of fun activities you and your baby can do together to ensure that undesirable screen-watching habits never start.
Help your baby sleep with a regular bedtime routine
Did you know? Putting your baby to bed when she’s drowsy but still awake, and at around the same time every night, can help create an effective sleep routine.
Tips for settling your baby
Is your baby struggling to settle? Still getting up lots of times in the night? Being woken up before sunrise?
When can babies eat eggs, wheat or nuts
Did you know? Guidelines have changed for when to introduce your baby to eggs, wheat, fish, and foods containing peanuts.
Food allergies: advice you need to know
Recent research on food allergies has led to new recommendations for the introduction of allergy-triggering foods once babies start eating solid food. Confused?
What nutrients your baby need
Did you know? As your baby reaches six to eight months old, some vitamins and minerals are especially important for her health.
Getting started with solid foods: traditional and baby-led-weaning
Your baby may be developmentally ready to start complementary feeding at around six months of age, when she is able to hold her head up and sit in a high chair.
How to Know if Breastfed Baby is Full
Did you know? The longer a mom breastfeeds, the more she responds to her baby’s signs of fullness.
Baby Not Interested in Eating Solids – Understanding the Process
Did you know?
Benefits of Eating Together – Build Strong Habits for your Baby
Did you know? Studies show that the more often families share mealtimes, the more likely children are to have healthy diets and stay at healthy weights as toddlers.
Feeding Milestones – Count Every Victory!
Now that your baby is eight to 10 months old, has enjoyed her first tastes, and is becoming more experienced at eating, it’s time to move on to lumpy foods and helping her learn to feed herself.
The Importance of Eating Together – Family first!
Research has shown that shared family meals—no matter the size of your family—provide benefits for your baby beyond the joy of simply eating dinner together.
8 month old to 10 month old activities
The time you spend playing with your baby is precious, and enjoying games together is fun for both of you. But playtime is much more than just special moments spent together.
Playful Learning – The unseen benefits
Did you know? Imaginary play and ‘talking time’ are essential to your baby’s healthy development.
How to make 9 months baby sleep
Did you know? By the age of nine months, about three out of four babies are sleeping through the night.
Baby Sleep Development - Benefits
As well as recharging your baby’s batteries for tomorrow’s playtime, sleep can help his brain, body, and even vocabulary develop.
How Often Should Baby Eat – A lot Actually!
Did you know? Your baby may need to eat three meals and two mini meals each day.
Healthy Baby Snacks – Find Balance in Nutrition
Focus on your baby’s nutrition by offering her smart eating choices in between mealtimes.
Safe Food Preparation Principles
Follow these stay-safe principles when you’re shopping or preparing food for your baby.